Beware of unsafe blinds purchased direct from non-UK suppliers

Since 2014 all internal blinds made and sold in the UK must comply with specific child safety requirements. This includes UK-based importers where the blinds may be made outside of the UK.

In summary, if an internal blind has cords or chains used in its operation these must be fitted with child safety devices. Maximum cord and chain lengths are mandated as are warning labels and instructions.

Blinds purchased by consumers on-line from websites where the supplier is based outside of the UK may not meet these important child safety requirements and our Regulators have no jurisdiction over traders outside of the UK.

Many online marketplaces and websites may include non-UK based suppliers, so make sure you check that what you are purchasing is safe. Better still – buy a blind which does not use operating cords and chains. 

Buying from a reputable retailer with a UK presence is always a good idea when choosing blinds.

For more information on what to look for in new blinds see our handy video here

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